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If you touch the hearth, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Do not apply antiviral agents to the skin of the lips with your hands. Use cotton swabs for this. You can not comb and squeeze, independently open the bubbles. This will lead to the spread of infection to neighboring areas of the skin. The patient should have his own separate dishes, towels, other items that come into contact with the lips. During the illness, you should refrain from kissing and oral sex. Contact lenses and other items should not be wetted with saliva.
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It is these types of orlistat that are responsible for the appearance of rashes - on the skin of the face, lips, oral mucosa, and they are also the cause of genital herpes. It should be noted that if earlier the herpes virus HSV-2 was associated only with the development of genital herpes, now it also causes herpes on the face, lips and oral mucosa in about 10% of patients. Herpes type HSV-2 is more pathogenic (than HSV-1), and such patients always have both more severe clinical manifestations and a higher recurrence rate.
Herpes simplex virus is clinically manifested by the formation of a group of crowded vesicles located on an inflamed base (skin or mucous membrane). The bubbles are initially filled with clear contents, which quickly become cloudy. If you have orlistat, treatment must be started before the opening of herpetic vesicles. Otherwise, not only the herpes ointment, but also the best herpes pills will no longer allow you to somehow noticeably accelerate healing.
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The most contagious are people who have clinical manifestations of orlistat - we are talking about whole or just opened herpetic vesicles. Keep in mind that the risk of infection does not disappear after the formation of crusts, but only slightly decreases. Modern research shows that infection with herpes is possible even from a clinically completely healthy person. Important. in about 10% of people, the herpes virus is constantly detected in saliva (even against the background of the complete absence of any symptoms of xenical in them). What Causes Herpes Relapses?
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- Initially, children are born with immunity to the herpes virus - thanks to the antibodies that each child gets from the mother (even during pregnancy).
- However, gradually the number of antibodies decreases, and usually in the period from 6 months to 3 years maximum - the child develops a primary herpes infection.
- Usually it proceeds in the form of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. And in the future, the herpes virus remains in the body for life, periodically exacerbating.
- Under the influence of certain triggering factors, the virus is activated, again moving along the nerve trunks to the surfaces of the skin and / or mucous membranes - where it causes the formation of herpetic vesicles (vesicles).
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Factors that cause recurrence of orlistat - contact with a person with clinical manifestations of herpes, decreased immunity due to influenza or SARS, immunodeficiency states, hypothermia, dehydration, physical fatigue and emotional stress, cuts and scratches of the skin, for example, after shaving, after a visit to the dentist (due to that with prolonged wide opening of the mouth, cracks form in the corners of the mouth), after invasive cosmetic procedures, during menstruation in women, prolonged exposure to the sun.